Monday, February 15, 2010

It's Time!

edited: yep, never fell back asleep before starting work, I'm WAY too excited! I can go on three hours of sleep today, right?

Rach's water broke around 3:30 this morning! I'm SO excited! Kate's been sleeping great lately but on a total fluke she keeps waking up tonight & I had just been up with her when I heard my phone come through with a text from Rach giving me the news. I'm so glad Kate had woken me up. I'm so excited I don't know if I can go back to sleep! There will be no hanging out at the hospital as with Ruthie's birth (Rach is having this boy at the birth center that I go to) so I'll be at home in anticipation this morning. :) And, I know Rach has "fans" who read this blog so I'll keep you posted!

For now, I know she would really appreciate your prayers!

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