Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long live the second trimester!

Incredibly cliched, but so very true, I love the second trimester.

I'm still small enough that I don't really notice the belly yet. I can still roll over & get out of bed without huge effort. My energy level is back to normal. I feel great, I love it! I also love that even though I'm not huge the baby is big enough that I can feel him kicking.

The kicks are my all time favorite part about being pregnant. There is something so amazing about being able to feel this little baby moving inside of you, a little baby who is part of you & part of the person you love. And, while I don't enjoy the uncomfortableness of getting bigger, I do love when the baby is bigger & it's easier to feel them (make them!) move around. :)

22 weeks, 4 days


Unknown said...

the sunburst looks like a little baby belly fairy. i see theres a small one by your head also, is this to signify that baby boy is using all your brain energy and leaving you with the mush that is expectant mama brian?

Lisa said...

i too am loving the second trimester! :)


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