Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is shaping up as a rather rough week. I love having weekend plans but I think when we're gone all day on the weekends it makes it much more difficult to catch up during the week.

Nothing is hugely horrible this week and one of the biggest issues is Addison (I know, shocker). I think a lot of it might have to do with lack of sleep. She doesn't really need naps anymore, but, if she doesn't get a nap than she really needs to go to bed at her normal time around 7:30/8. The problem is we're out late at church Sunday evening & then Monday & Tuesday Ray puts the girls to bed while I work. Addison never quite gets to bed at a normal time on those nights. Kate's usually up a little later than normal, too, but is still in bed before Addison (we have to make sure she's asleep before putting Addison to bed otherwise they'll just keep each other up).

The problem is Kate has been going to bed SO much earlier than Addison that she's also waking up earlier & thus waking up Addison. A vicious cycle, see? I'm all about early bedtimes as I need my rest; Ray has more fun playing with the girls, especially since he doesn't get home from work until shortly before bedtime.

Anyway, I don't think Addison deals well with lack of sleep (just like her mom!) & it results in more tantrums than normal.

Is it even necessary to tell you that tonight the girls are sleeping in different rooms?

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