Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just the five of us

My parents left to go home this morning, leaving the five of us here on our own again. While they were here I did take advantage of three adults for three kids & cuddled Clay as much as I could - I know the cuddles will be much more scarce without extra hands around!

Kate cuddling with my dad

Clay & his daddy - doesn't Clay look like such a little old man??? I think it's so cute!

Yesterday morning we had to take Clay for his "weight check." Really, we just have a new pediatrician who wasn't in for his first visit so this was mostly so we could meet the doctor. After that I had to drop Ray off at work & pick up some necessities at Target. Thankfully, my parents took the girls to the beach so it was just me & Clay. My needed items spanned the entire length of the store & it wiped me out - it was nice to go home & rest afterwards!

Yesterday afternoon the girls received a special gift - flowers from Caroline! Addison was truly thrilled! I got a big kick out of the note Caroline sent with them:

Dear Addison and Kate, congratulations on becoming big sisters! Enjoy it! But please wait until he's at least 7 before you start freezing his underwear, anything before that just isn't nice :o) Love you both!!

I just laughed when I read that because freezing underwear is exactly what all of us girls used to do to Caroline's little brother (he was outnumbered 4 to 1, he didn't stand a chance. There was also the incident where we tied him to a tree outside...such fond memories!)

Addison's been so excited to hold her brother, too. When he wakes up both of the girls scramble to give him hugs & kisses!

1 comment :

Lisanne said...

Aww! It sounds like you're tired but that everyone is doing really well! How sweet that your girls got flowers! Those are wonderful pictures.


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