Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Raymond Clay III

Our boy is here! I've been so busy updating facebook that I never got around to updating my blog yesterday. We did end up going to the birth center - they don't have a huge clientele like OB offices but sometimes they go through birth spurts - yesterday they had 3 babies in six hours!

Everything went wonderfully. I had another water birth (at this point I feel like I wouldn't know how to give birth out of the water!) and even though we had to birth at the center we were still at home just a few hours later.

As for the name, we went ahead & named him after Ray, but we'll call him Clay to avoid the confusion of two Ray's in the house.

Clay arrived at 11:21 am and he weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz (1 oz. bigger than Addison!) & was 20.5 inches long.

So far, at just over 24 hours old, he's a dream. Nurses great, proper amount of dirty diapers and...he only woke up once last night. I'm all about sleep training but there's no sleep training a baby less than a day old - the Lord just knew I needed some rest!

Oh, and his sisters are completely in love.

More photos can be seen here


Moo said...

I love those pics of the girls! They look so smitten!

Morgan said...

Congratulations Jessica! Clay is gorgeous and you can definitely tell the girls are in love!

3 of my 4 births were water births, also. Aren't they the best?

Lisa said...



Anonymous said...

He's a beauty! And he looks just like Daddy! I thought that as soon as I saw his picture.

Congatulations to all of you. What a gorgeous, sweet family. You're my hero; you birth these babies like a pro.

Kathy C.

Hannah said...

Congrats, Jessica! He's gorgeous! :-)


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