Saturday, April 23, 2011


Eggs are dyed, Easter baskets are put together, Easter dresses (& Clays' matching tie!) are sewn & I've been going through the resurrection eggs with the kids this week.

Today was very busy - Ray left before we all woke up to go out fishing & possibly diving with some of the guys. This left me to take the kids to Addisons' soccer game & to clean the house & prepare dinner for guests who were coming at 5:00. Ray told me he & the guys were going out early so that they could be back around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Turns out 1:00 or 2:00 actually meant that Ray walked in the door AFTER our dinner guests arrived. We still had a very lovely dinner & evening together.

Since Ray ended up being gone all day it makes me extra glad we dyed eggs with the girls yesterday. They had quite a fun time.

Clay just watched us - and made a mess of his black beans!

It was much easier to just let the girls keep the same two dyes in front of them while coloring. They couldn't resist sticking their hands in the dye, resulting in colorful hands - pinkish for Addison, blue for Kate.

After our dinner guests left this evening I finished my sewing & put together the Easter baskets for the kids. While putting them together I realized I bought a little more than I meant to for the girls. Then, I remembered that some of this was stuff I was already going to get for them (like the sunglasses) but I figured it'd be nice to put it in the basket. Yes, Clay is totally getting gypped this year.

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