Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lovely Saturday

My typical Saturdays usually consists of a morning grocery shopping trip while Ray watches the girls - I still usually take Clay, but, he's getting to the age where it's more difficult to take him with me.

Yesterday morning I made a late morning trip to get groceries & also met Heather & Ashley (along with their baby boys) for coffee. Ashley was in town from Georgia & it was a great treat to get to visit with her!

After some coffee & shopping we parted ways and I went home for my lovely afternoon spent sewing.

My parents, sister & nephew made a last-minute stop to visit us around 4pm. It was so nice! I've been missing them lately & Oliver has changed so much since I saw him last (over three months ago!).

After visiting with my family for about an hour we made it over to Avery's Second Birthday Party. It was a lemonade theme - as always, Briana did an amazing job. Seriously, she does some of the cutest parties!

It was a wonderful day, I loved spending so much time with close family & friends. It was too cute watching the little ones at church this morning - they were in sleepy stupors after partying until 8:00 last night!

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