Friday, November 04, 2011

Tastes of Autumn (or, I have a stomach ache from eating too many apple cider doughnuts!)

Two years ago I experienced apple cider doughnuts for the first time I can remember. I fell in love! I'm sure part of it was the experience: we were up north enjoying beautiful Fall weather & visiting with friends. I found this recipe for apple cider doughnuts & really wanted to try them!

Today the weather was surreal. I never saw the thermometer on the back porch go over 68 degrees! That almost never happens here! It was the perfect day to make the doughnuts.
In progress...

Apple cider doughnut holes! Yummy!

Unfortunately, after I began making the doughnuts I realized that I was out of eggs and I was without a van today. Thankfully Ray worked some overtime this week which is why he took the van and then came home early today! He came home right after the kids went down to nap/rest time & Ray quickly fell into bed asleep, too. I left all of the kids home with him while I went to go to the grocery store for my eggs.

Seeing as I was out all alone in the middle of the day (luxury!) I took advantage of the time & bought my once a week overpriced coffee (peppermint mocha is back!) & walked around the store looking at the Christmas decorations. The drink, the decor, the weather & the semi-solitude all combined made me so relaxed & happy.

Do you have anything that automatically sends you to a happy place??

1 comment :

Megan Lee said...

Anh Hong garden rolls and Raphsodic vegan cupcakes make me super happy!


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